Good stewards recognize the blessings of God in their lives. In gratitude, the stewards desire to give back to God and to others as much as possible. They offer a sacrifice of praise to God through the gift of their time, talent and treasure in service of God and neighbor, and in turn, God pours blessings out on them. “Give and gifts will be given to you; a good measure, packed together, shaken down and overflowing will be poured into your lap. For the measure you measure with will be measured back to you.” (Luke 6:38) That is the experience of good stewards.
We must learn to give the best we have to God and others. Why? It is not just because God promises great blessings when we do, but because the meaning of our lives is found in becoming like Jesus. Jesus gave his best time, talent and treasure to his Father and to all those he served. He gave away everything he had, even his own body and blood in sacrifice for our sins. How can we give like this? Only by the grace of God.
When we pray, we often give God leftover time. We work hard, come home and get involved with family events or our own pursuits, and if there is a little time before bed, we might say a prayer. That is what I call leftover time. It is putting God last on the list. God ought to be first! So, good stewardship of time means giving the best time of our day to God and others.
Suggestion: Make an appointment with God each day – just like you would with the doctor! It is much easier to keep an appointment when we have it written down
Often, the first step in doing this is discovering the gifts we have, and being bold and courageous enough to use them. We need to trust what others tell us about our gifts. Sometimes, others can recognize our gifts better than we can. Jesus said, “You are the light of the world.” (Matt 5:14) We are not to hide our light under a bushel basket.
Suggestion: Make a list of things you do well or gifts you have, and then ask someone close to you to do the same. Offer yourself in service of your local parish or charitable organization based on the gifts you have identified.
As Jesus was once watching people give in the temple area, some were marveling at how much the wealthy were giving. Jesus watched a widow put two small coins into the collection and He told His disciples that she had given more than all the rest! “For those others have all made offerings from their surplus wealth, but she, from her poverty, has offered her whole livelihood.” (Luke 21:1-4) Again, we can give God leftover money. We can “tip” God, or the poor in our midst. The good steward gives God the first fruits of the harvest.
Suggestion: Think and pray deeply about the sacrifice of Jesus Christ and pray to him for the grace to make a sacrifice that resembles his own. The only way to begin giving is to do it.
Dear Father, I pray with a grateful heart. You have blessed me in so many ways. Thank you for the time I have right now to pray to you. Thank you for the gift of time that I can spend with family and friends, neighbor and stranger. Thank you for the gift to be alive in this world and for the promise of eternal life through Jesus Christ.
Help me, Father, to use wisely the time, talents and treasure you have given me. Grant me a generous heart when I pray and ask for your will to be done in my life. Allow me to surrender to you as Jesus did. Grant me the courage to use the gifts and talents you have given me for the building up of the kingdom on earth. Help me to forget myself and serve you with generosity. May I not seek recognition or status in my community, but only to serve you well.
I ask this in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Originally Published By:
Gulf Coast Catholic | | Wednesday Wave | Published October 13, 2021
John Paul II’s Apostolic Exhortation “Christ’s Faithful People” is an exhortation all for the laity to use the gifts given to them by God in the service of his church to his holy people. The Second Vatican Council in what was a renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit called for a renewed awareness of the Church’s mission as viewed by Christ when he sent his disciples out into the world. “You go too!” is a command given to each of us, not only priests, deacons, religious men and women, but lay people as well.
Parish ministry is an excellent opportunity to fulfill your baptismal call of service to one another. Our liturgies utilize the talents and gifts that God has given this community to the fullest extent. Whether participation is through “behind the scenes” preparation and planning or through a public role of service within the Mass, parishioner contributions help our liturgies to be truly life-giving celebrations. Please prayerfully consider joining one of these ministries.
Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion are responsible for assistance in the distribution of Holy Communion during Mass. They also bring Holy Communion to patients at the following community health care facilities: Oak Hill Hospital, Spring Hill Rehab, Health South Rehab, and Evergreen Woods Atria, and Health and Rehab.
Lectors, or Readers, proclaim the Word of the Lord during the Liturgy and, when there is no Deacon present, the General Intercessions. A lector must have a passion for Scripture; an ability to interpret and understand Scripture; and, sufficient public speaking skills to proclaim the Word to the assembly.
Behind the scenes is a small group of people who do their best to make the Mass or other services meaningful and spiritual. Under the direction of the Director of Liturgy or Lead Sacristan, and in coordination with our Pastor and other priests, Sacristans run the Mass from behind the scenes. They make sure everything is properly pre-pared for the celebration of the Eucharist and then clean up after Mass.
Hospitality Ministers are the first ministers one meets when they arrive at the church for any celebration. Their warm, friendly smile and welcoming handshake set the tone for the worship experience. Being a welcoming community is very important to us. These ministers greet those coming into our church, offer assistance to those in need, distribute parish bulletins, take up the collection, and distribute other materials as needed.
The Music Ministry offers a wide range of opportunities for musicians of various ages and interests to get involved. Each ensemble is dedicated to making the most of the talents God has given them. We are united in love of God, music, and one another.
Music Ministry—Cantors
Within the Music Ministry, Cantors make announcements and cant the psalm, hymns, and responses sung by the congregation during the liturgy.
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization founded in Connecticut in 1882; we have 1.9 million members around the world, living out the Order’s core values of charity, unity, fraternity, and patriotism by per-forming corporal works of mercy in the service of God and our neighbor. St. Frances Cabrini Council 13209 of the Knights was founded over 20 years ago. Membership in the Knights is open to men, 18 years of age and older who are practicing Catholics. For information on becoming a member, contact Paul Dellea at Tel: (352) 346-0227.
The Ministry of Altar Servers is open to both boys and girls who meet all of the following requirements:
· They have received the sacraments of Baptism and First Holy Communion in the Roman Catholic Church.
· They have a strong desire to serve at the Altar of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.
· They are enrolled in the Religious Ed program or attend Catholic School.
· They attend Sunday Mass on a regular basis, know the prayers of the Mass, know how to properly genuflect, and how to make the sign of the cross.
· They fully understand the importance of the ministry and are committed to it.
The Mission of the Audio/Visual Ministry of St. Frances Cabrini Catholic Church is to provide the gathered community the opportunity to experience full active participation in Liturgical and other celebrations by providing the best available sound and video presentations.
The Council of Catholic Women acts through its members to support, empower, and educate all Catholic women in spirituality, leadership, and service. NCCW programs respond with Gospel values to the needs of the church and society in the modern world.
The purpose of this ministry is to assist with the maintenance, aesthetics and improvement of the parish’s buildings, grounds, and gardens. Members assist
in an ongoing basis and/or with special projects. The ministry’s goal is to be good stewards while helping to make the parish a more enjoyable place to visit, worship, meet, and pray. If you are available and would like to help with any project, let us know you will be there to assist.
The members of the Decorating Committee help to maintain a reverent and beautiful environment in which to worship and praise God. They are participants in the major decorations for the Solemnities and Feasts celebrated. We welcome those with “Green Thumbs” to help maintain the plants in the Daily Chapel and Narthex year-round with the basic watering as needed.
Volunteers/Stewards provide an easily accessible and economical location to shop for a variety of Religious and Christian gifts.
To provide children with the tools they need for faith in Jesus Christ, a desire to be obedient to Him, and a love for Him that will remain through-out their lifetime.
Our mission of Adult Faith Formation is to strengthen the Body of Christ both as individuals and as the Church collective. It is our desire to provide solid Bible teaching/training for Catholics as they are actively involved in their church and engaged in life. Christian learning is not a 3—4 year experience, but a lifetime of growth.
In December 1983 Cardinal Joseph
Bernardin presented the idea that all
issues of life are woven together like a
seamless garment in a consistent ethic
of life.
The Respect Life Committee is dedicated to this idea of a consistent ethic of life.
The Society of St. Vincent de Paul strives to help people in need of assistance providing for their needs and enabling them to care for themselves. From helping a stranded person get home, to feeding the hungry, to stabilizing a family in crisis, the Society works to alleviate the suffering of those in need. In times of crisis, the Society’s volunteers/stewards work tirelessly to help families and individuals regain stability while upholding their dignity.
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